
Scientific Committee and juries

Csilla PESZNYÁK Medical Physics and Radiation Protection Expert in Hungary. Associate professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Head of Radiation Protection Service at National Institute of Oncology, Hungary. Past President of the ENEN aisbl. Past President of Health Physics Section, Roland Eötvös Physical Society. Board member of Hungarian Society of Medical Physics and next president of Hungarian Radiation Oncology Society.

Walter AMBROSINI is Full Professor in Nuclear Plants at the University of Pisa, Italy. His Research interests involve the field of Nuclear Reactor Thermal-hydraulics. He has been President of the Research Doctorate in Nuclear Engineering in Pisa (2008-2016), President of the MSc in Nuclear Engineering in Pisa (2011-2018), President of the European Nuclear Education Network (2013-2016), Member of the ASN Commission for Energetics and Nuclear Engineering (2018-2021), Present Member of the CDs of CIRTEN and of the Associazione Italiana Nucleare (AIN). His relevant Memberships: AIN, ENS, ANS, ASME.

Gabriel PAVEL Currently engaged as Executive Director for the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) – an organization of over 90 institutions mainly from Europe but with strong connections with international organizations all over the world – and also as an assistant professor at University „Politehnica”of Bucharest department of Nuclear Engineering. He is directly involved in designing, implementing and managing actions aimed at improving nuclear competences and attracting new persons to the nuclear field in 15 (fifteen) education and training initiatives each one with its dedicated actions. Experience: 20 years in the nuclear sector. University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania (20y); Lecturer on nuclear engineering, radiation protection, non-power applications of ionizing radiation. 5 E&T projects and 24 projects with industry.

Barbara FERRUCCI graduated in Nuclear Engineering in Bologna, Italy. During her Ph.D., she investigated the radiological impact of accidental release scenarios involving storage facilities of radioactive waste, integrating environmental models and geographical Information Systems. Since 2012, she has been a researcher at the ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Development) Research Center in Bologna. Currently, she is involved in two main international projects: INNUMAT, addressing research on new structural materials for Gen-IV reactors, and ENEN2plus for education and training actions in the nuclear field. As part of the ENEN2plus project, she has organized the Winter School on Nuclear Waste Safety and Management, which will be held on March 4-8, 2024, in Bologna, Italy.

Lois S TOVEY has a BSc in Ceramic Science & Engineering and a PhD in Materials from the University of Leeds. She has extensive experience in project management and business development within the nuclear sector. She has managed large research consortia working on nuclear decommissioning, waste management and advanced fuels and has worked in a start-up providing instrumentation and testing services for the nuclear industry. She is currently a visiting researcher at the University of Leeds where she is involved with education and outreach activities.

Jakob LUYTEN holds a teaching degree and a Master of Science in Chemistry from the Catholic University of Leuven. His career includes experience as a lecturer at Avans University of Applied Sciences and as a training specialist in the Learning & Development team at Sanofi Geel. Currently, he is a member of the SCK CEN Academy at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. His main activities are training of professionals, providing policy support and the coordination of outreach activities.

António PAULO has got a degree in Chemical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)/Universidade de Lisboa (UL) in 1986 and completed his PhD in Chemistry at the same University in 1998. Currently, he is Coordinator Researcher at the “Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares” (C2TN) and “Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Nucleares” (DECN) from IST-UL. His main research interests are focused on the study of molecular and nanosized tools for PET and SPECT imaging and/or therapy of cancer, based on peptidic molecules, gold nanoparticles, and beta- and Auger-emitting radiometals.